ADempiere was born in 2006 when a community of open-source developers decided to take Compiere on a path independently of its original sponsor and vendor, Compiere Inc. Developped according to the "bazaar" method and entered quickly in the Top 5 of the ranking, it has remained, since then as one of the major open-source enterprise apprlication project. Based on Compiere's technical and functional platform, it differs from its "father" on many aspects:
While Adempiere's thick client is directly inspired by Compiere's, its web UI is completely specific.
functional extensions
ADempiere's active developpers and users community extends its functional scope at a rapid pace. Among the most notable contributions, the following add strong features to the already wide-ranged system:
- Point of sales interfaces provide a solution for tactile and keyboard-less environments ;
- MRP ;
- HR.
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Localizations are the projects that bring geographic customizations to the community. Apart from translations, these can also include developments or pre-defined rules to handle local specificities (tax, etc.). Among the most advanced localization projects are:
- France ;
- Germany ;
- Brazil;
- Colombia ;
- Mexico ;
- Italy;
- China ;
- Spain ;
- the United Kingdom...
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Adempiere is an open-source project and most of its modules are completely free.
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